Based on the Three Corporate Principles, which have served as MC’s core philosophy since its inception, MC identified a set of Key Sustainability Issues in 2016 as mileposts for proactively realizing “triple-value growth” through the simultaneous generation of economic, societal and environmental value. While responding to the requests of all stakeholders, MC has worked to address various societal issues through its business activities and has contributed towards the sustainable development of society as well as value creation.
After a certain period of time since the establishment of the Key Sustainability Issues, stakeholder
expectations of companies regarding issues such as climate change had grown
even higher, and the issues that companies must address had evolved. Against this backdrop, in order to further raise our corporate value over the medium to long term, we conducted a review of our Key Sustainability Issues from the perspective of their importance to our business activities. The revised "Materiality" was announced in Midterm Corporate Strategy 2024 as a set of crucial societal issues that we will prioritize through our business activities, towards the strategy’s goal of continuous creation of MC Shared Value.
Out of the eight redefined material issues, the six that we will pursue through our business activities are categorized as “Realizing a Carbon Neutral Society and Striving to Enrich Society Both Materially and Spiritually”, while the two that we will pursue through organizational management are grouped as “Striving to Serve as a Platform for Generating Triple-Value Growth”. Guided by our Materiality, we will continue to strengthen our efforts toward sustainable corporate growth.
Issues | Overview |
Realizing a Carbon Neutral Society and Striving to Enrich Society Both Materially and Spiritually | |
Striving to Serve as a Platform for Generating Triple-Value Growth | |
MC regards its Materiality as a guideline for the continuous creation of significant MC Shared Value, as we aim to create this value by strengthening the MC Group’s collective capabilities to address societal challenges. To effectively achieve this target, each Division and Business Group establishes “Action Plans”, which serve as mid-term plans related to the relevant material issues for each business or initiative, and tracks their progress through annual reviews. MC has thereby established a mechanism to confirm how our Materiality serves our business strategies, initiatives and organizational management that lead to the creation of MCSV.
Here is a typical example of such an Action Plan.
By leveraging its collective capabilities and engaging in a variety of businesses, our company will contribute to addressing a wide range of societal challenges and ensure sustainable growth. We believe that promoting businesses based on our material issues will also help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to each key issue.
Issues | Overview |
Realizing a Carbon Neutral Society and Striving to Enrich Society Both Materially and Spiritually | |
Striving to Serve as a Platform for Generating Triple-Value Growth | |