1. Labor Standards, Labor Environment and Related Matters
2. Employee Relations
Sustainability Report 2024 newly released.
Updates have been made on the Sustainability Website (Main updates: Combined numerical information and others for each section into an Excel file, etc.)
Updates have been made on the Sustainability Website (Main updates: New disclosure of quantitative indicators mainly on the Materiality ‘Fostering Vibrant Workplaces That Maximize the Potential of a Diverse Workforce’ and added press room articles of related initiatives in FY2023, added new products and projects that contribute to avoided emissions that are in the planning stages or will begin operations in the near future, new disclosure of the Human Rights Policy, new disclosure of the procurement data for Organic Cotton, disclosure of biodiversity initiatives in line with the TNFD framework, and disclosure and expansion of initiatives by each business group…etc.)
Update on Environmental Data (Climate Change, Water Resources, Prevention of Pollution, Efficient Use of Resources), Social Data (Diversity Management, Well-being) etc. to the information as of July 24, 2023.
Update “Senior Vice President Message” and the “structure” in each page to the information as of 1st April 2023.
Updates have been made on the Sustainability Website (Main updates: New disclosure of the Materiality Action Plans, reorganization of the Climate Change page, new disclosure of scope 3 category 11 emissions, avoided emissions, 1.5°C scenario analysis under new framework, water stress analysis, analysis on the dependencies and impacts on nature based on the beta version of the TNFD framework, implementation of the Grievance Mechanism, new disclosure of human resources data, and disclosure and expansion of initiatives by each business group…etc.)
Update ”Metrics and Targets” in “Utilizing the TCFD Recommendations to Capture Business Opportunities and Mitigate Risks”, and “Performance” in each page to the information as of 29the July 2022.
"The Board of Directors and Shares, etc.", "The Audit and Supervisory Board and Audits", and "Directors' and Audit & Supervisory Board Members' Remuneration, etc." have each been updated following the 2022 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 24th, 2022.
Update "Human Rights", "Supply Chain Management". And update the ”structure” in each page to the information as of 1st April 2022.
Update “Setting Goals for 2030” in “Key Sustainability Issues”, “The 1.5°C Scenario Analysis” and “Physical Risks” in “Utilizing the TCFD Recommendations to Capture Business Opportunities and Mitigate Risks”, and the initiatives, etc. for each issue to the information as of the end of February 2022.
Update “Metrics and Targets” in “Utilizing the TCFD Recommendations to Capture Business Opportunities and Mitigate Risks”.
Sustainability Website newly released.
Structure O...
PT Donggi Senoro LNG (DSLNG), a joint venture among Mitsubishi Corporatio...
Performance Data Please refer to the link below for data related...
Policy Our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Vision...
Remuneration for Directors, etc. In line with the Basic Policy...
Targets MC Group Reduction in the rate ...
Disclosure (about the Sustainability Website) We believe tha...
Participation in External Initiatives ...
Utilizing Innovation to Address Societal Needs Creat...
Initiatives Examples of Protection/Conservation Activities thro...
Examples of Initiatives Urban Management and Urban Development...
Policy Management Message The MC Group has a gl...
Audit Audit & Supervisory Board Member/Audit & Supervi...
Policy Our daily lives depend greatly on plentiful global resou...
Addressing Regional Issues and Growing Together with Local Commun...