MC promotes corporate activities rooted in the principles of fairness and integrity, based on the Three Corporate Principles, which have served as MC’s core principles since its founding. We have constantly endeavored to enhance our compliance initiatives, by establishing the Corporate Standards of Conduct as a guideline for corporate actions, developing various compliance-related internal rules and regulations, introducing a compliance officer system, expanding and upgrading risk management frameworks, and establishing appropriate internal control systems. In order to ensure compliance, each and every employee has pledged and signed the Mitsubishi Corporation Code of Conduct, which requires employees to conduct business in compliance with laws and regulations, global standards, as well as act in a responsible manner in accordance with social norms. MC has adopted the Principles of Corporate Governance, the Environmental Charter, the Social Charter, and the Human Rights Policy in accordance with the Three Corporate Principles, and we are committed to contributing to our sound and sustainable growth and continuous increase of corporate value, as well as to helping enrich society, both materially and spiritually, as a globally integrated business enterprise.
MC Group companies share a common history and philosophy as they continue to grow together and learn from one another.
MC will fulfill our mission of simultaneously generating economic value, societal value, and environmental value through our Group’s business activities.
All officers and employees of Mitsubishi Corporation (the “Company”) must comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations where they operate, international standards and rules, and all internal corporate rules and policies. In addition, all officers and employees of MC must act in a socially responsible manner by complying with the highest ethical standards in the conduct of their business.
At Mitsubishi Corporation we consider the Earth itself to be our most important stakeholder and are continually working towards the realization of a sustainable society through our business activities.
Mitsubishi Corporation strives to achieve sustainable societal value though our business operations by contributing towards lasting solutions to the wide spectrum of sustainability challenges facing today’s global society.
MC has formulated a Human Rights Policy to organize and clarify its approach to human rights and to promote efforts to respect them.
MC’s businesses are underpinned by financial and other capitals which exist both internally and externally.
We invest the capitals into businesses to address social challenges through our businesses and continuously create significant shared value. The created shared value strengthens the capitals and becomes a source of further value creation. By repeating this cycle, we aim to achieve sustainable growth.
For more details of Value Creation Process,please refer to our Integrated Report (Integrated Report / Annual Report | Mitsubishi Corporation).
* As of March 31, 2024