MC considers addressing sustainability challenges as one of its most important management issues. We have therefore been actively engaged in promoting a range of initiatives towards preserving the global environment through every aspect of our business. The cornerstone of these activities is our Environmental Charter, which was established in 1996. The charter clearly outlines our fundamental stance regarding environmental issues to all of our stakeholders. Based on this charter, MC conducts a variety of activities and strives to create and increase environmental value. The charter has been revised as necessary in order to reflect the fact that environmental issues and awareness are constantly evolving.
MC has established environmental management systems (EMS) that are compliant with ISO 14001, with the President & CEO serving as the chief officer in charge of EMS. In keeping with the spirit of the Environmental Charter, MC is advancing EMS activities based on its Environmental Policy.
Specifically, by having the President & CEO manage the targets set the previous fiscal year for both business and office activities, determine policies for the next year and establish systems for internal deployment, we are striving to continuously enhance and improve our EMS in harmony with our business activities. We will continue to seek out truly effective initiatives that contribute to our company’s sustainable growth.
MC has established environmental management systems (EMS) based upon its Environmental Charter. By disseminating the Environmental Policy set each year by the President & CEO and promoting awareness throughout MC, MC aims to preserve the global environment and work towards the realization of a sustainable society through its business activities.
【2024 Environmental Policy】
1Compliance with Environmental Laws and Standards
We will uphold environmental laws and standards in addition to our own environmental commitments.
2Efforts to Improve the Environment
3Continuous Improvement of our EMS
We will strive for continuous utilization and improvement to our EMS in line with our business activities.
4Disclosure of our Environmental Policy
We will ensure that our Environmental Policy is conveyed to all of our employees, and we will promote understanding through training and dissemination efforts. We will also publicly disclose our Environmental Policy.
As MC conducts office activities in line with its Environmental Policy, MC is taking the following actions in order to proactively show consideration for the environment through all types of procurement activities with the aim of reducing its impact on the environment. These actions are based on the Green Purchase Guidelines, which lay out in writing green purchase methods.
Furthermore, the guidelines also stipulate that when selecting products with special procedures required by law (home electronics, etc.), MC will confirm whether or not the product takes into account environmental considerations by referencing catalogues and other sources. Furthermore, when selecting products such as stationery, printing paper and furniture, MC will also confirm by referencing catalogues and other sources whether the product is certified (with an official mark) as having met environmental regulations/standards.
At MC, environmental management systems (EMS) are managed by the General Manager of the Sustainability Dept., who serves as the Environmental Manager, with the President and CEO of MC serving as the chief officer in charge of EMS. MC encourages the participation of all employees in implementing EMS in cooperation with the Group Chief Sustainability Officer of each Business Group, along with Group EMS Managers and other personnel.
* As of April 1, 2024
In 1998, MC acquired ISO 14001 certification at its Head Offices. Individual Group companies also comply with ISO 14001 depending on their individual status.
Please refer to the links below for data related to Main MC Group Companies with ISO 14001 Certification.
MC conducts internal environmental audits every year in accordance with ISO 14001. Audits are conducted by forming audit teams comprised of members of the Corporate Sustainability Dept. The audit teams confirm whether EMS is being effectively implemented in each Business Group. The audit teams report their findings to the President and CEO, who serves as the chief officer in charge of EMS.
When MC is requested by customers or other external stakeholders to provide environmental information, MC discloses this information by following the processes stipulated by the ISO 14001 standards. This information includes certified copies of documentation associated with the ISO certification process. In FY2023, MCprovided 3 certified copies of its ISO documentation.
As part of efforts to contribute to ”Contributing to Decarbonized Societies”, one of MC’s Materialities, MC has switched to green power for the electricity procured for its Head Office building (the Mitsubishi Shoji Building). CO2-free electricity with environmental value (tracked non-Fossil Fuel Energy Certificates*1*1 Non-Fossil Fuel Energy Certificates certify the environmental value of electricity as being generated from non-fossil fuel energy sources, such as renewable energy sources, under the Act on the Promotion of Use of Non-fossil Energy Sources and Effective Use of Fossil Energy Materials by Energy Suppliers.*1) is generated at a solar power plant invested in and operated by Mitsubishi Corporation Energy Solutions Ltd., which is engaged in the power generation business, and procured through MC Retail Energy Co., Ltd., which is engaged in the power retailing business. As such, electricity demand in the Mitsubishi Shoji Building is covered by renewable energy sources that also meet the requirements of RE100*2An international initiative that aims for 100% of the energy used in business operations to be procured from renewable sources.*2. From power generation to retail, MC Group companies work together to supply, procure and use renewable energy, creating environmental value by leveraging the MC Group’s comprehensive capabilities in the power value chain.
In the implementation of EMS, a system has been established for reporting and correcting matters relating to infringements of laws and ordinances as well as guidance from authorities. The incidents are shared throughout MC and measures are taken to prevent recurrences.
Please check the link below for data on Number of Environmental Reports and Corrective Measures.
A reporting system which uses a compliance hotline has been instituted to appropriately respond to accidents and disasters when they occur and to promptly implement measures to prevent recurrence. The system covers not only MC but group companies as well. Going forward, MC will continue to promote EMS as well as measures to address environmental contamination such as oil pollution. Concurrently, in the event of an environmental incident, MC will promptly report the incident to the relevant parties and investigate the causes, along with considering appropriate remedial measures and preventive measures. In doing so, MC will rigorously implement measures to prevent a recurrence of the incident.