The MC Group has a global workforce of approximately 86,000 professionals. These people are MC’s source of value creation. "Fostering Vibrant Workplaces That Maximize the Potential of a Diverse Workforce" has been identified as one of the eight materialities for MC to address together with our Group companies, and as our operations continue to expand and globalize, diverse human resources representing all genders, nationalities and other characteristics will be needed to fully utilize their respective capabilities in order for the MC Group to continue generating corporate value sustainably. With this in mind, MC believes that it is important to improve the well-being of employees by ensuring safe working environments and maintaining and promoting health. MC has been continuously recognized as an "Outstanding Enterprise in Health and Productivity Management — White 500" for its efforts.
The MC Group promotes initiatives around occupational Safety and health (OSH) management, which are flexibly tailored to the independence and capacity of each individual and organization. These include activities to create environments where employees and contractors can work with peace of mind, as well as health, labor and crisis management initiatives. We aim to build and operate management systems that go beyond simply meeting the legal requirements in the countries where we operate to provide support that is more substantial.
Within the MC Group, there are companies with OSH management systems that have obtained the international certifications ISO 45000. Furthermore, in order to promote OSH management throughout the entire MC Group, we will develop an organizational framework, clarify responsibilities and continuously monitor progress in order to refine, maintain and further improve our activities. Accordingly, we have set out the following policy for the MC Group:
MC has designated “Fostering Vibrant Workplaces That Maximize the Potential of a Diverse Workforce” as one of its materialities.
Our policies on occupational safety and health are designed to enable diverse human resources to make full use of their capabilities and approach their work with enthusiasm.
MC responds rapidly in the event of an accident and continues to raise awareness about safety and establishing and improving its management systems. MC also encourages maintaining and promoting employee health by reducing the risk of employee illness. Within the area of employee occupational health, MC places a particular focus on mental health, providing a counseling desk and mental health support desk staffed by licensed psychologists and clinical psychotherapists, as well as dedicated physicians at the in-house medical clinics. Furthermore, MC conducts a regular online stress check.
Recognizing the importance of managing environmental and social impacts in its supply chains, MC has established the Mitsubishi Corporation Policy for Sustainable Supply Chain Management (as amended in August 2018). The policy requires suppliers to respect human rights and endeavor to provide their employees with safe and healthy work environments. In addition to sharing the policy with suppliers, MC conducts a regular questionnaire to confirm compliance with it. While basic measures for occupational health and safety management are undertaken by each business, the MC Group endeavors to strengthen in this area throughout the supply chain collectively. Measures include visiting suppliers to confirm the status of their activities when determined that site visits are necessary* Covers only Tier 1 suppliers in Japan and abroad* considering location as well as the type of business. Furthermore, MC makes other efforts to strengthen occupational safety and health throughout the supply chain as the MC Group.
MC is actively conducting business globally with a business network spanning more than 200 countries around the world. For some of these countries, health issues such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria are pressing issues. MC’s policy is to work proactively to address these global health issues.
Officers in Charge | Yutaka Kashiwagi (Director, Executive Vice President, Corporate Functional Officer, Human Resources, Global Planning & Coordination, IT) Kenji Kobayashi (Senior Vice President, Corporate Functional Officer, CSEO) |
Deliberative Bodies (A subcommittee under the Executive Committee, a management decision-making body) |
Human Resources Development (HRD) Committee, Sustainability Committee Important matters related to occupational health and safety deliberated by the committees are formally approved by the Executive Committee and put forward or reported to the Board of Directors based on prescribed standards. |
Departments in Charge | Global Human Resources Dept., Sustainability Dept. |
MC has appointed the Director, Executive Vice President, Corporate Functional Officer (Human Resources, Global Planning & Coordination, IT) as the chief officer in charge of OSH management for the MC Group, and promotes a structure where the Global Human Resources Department coordinates each of the Business Groups, which are primarily responsible for OSH management.
For each MC Group company in Japan, we have established committees such as the Health Committee in line with the Industrial Safety and Health Act, in which employees also participate in developing, evaluating and determining plans related to preventing health problems as well as maintaining and promoting good health. In particular, at consolidated subsidiaries hazards such as near misses are reported by employees at morning meetings and other occasions, and necessary countermeasures are put into practice.
MC considers occupational safety and health as a key management priority, and has been working to pursue health and productivity management.
When reviewing and making decisions on loan and investment proposals, MC conducts a comprehensive screening process which considers not only economic aspects, but ESG factors as well. From an occupational safety and health perspective, particularly for projects which have a high risk of accidents or fatalities, MC ensures that numerous issues, including the maintenance status of HSE management systems, past cases of accidents or fatalities, and quantitative data such as the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTI) are considered in its deliberations. Besides screening new investment and exit proposals, MC also strives to make improvements to existing business investments by monitoring their management practices.
Occupational safety and health is a vital component of HSE risk and is managed in accordance with the MC Group Risk Management Policy.
The MC Group strives to prevent workplace accidents for employees.
We have established a system that enables us to deal with workplace accidents appropriately (investigation, response to findings, etc.) and take preventative measures in a prompt manner. In the event that a workplace accident occurs at an MC Group company, it will be reported via a dedicated reporting channel for occupational accidents. In the event of an accident with severe consequences, such as death or serious injury, or an accident involving suspected violations of laws and regulations, a report will also be made via the compliance reporting channel.
Workplace accidents that occur in the MC Group are reported to the Compliance Committee and monitored by the annual Sustainability Survey, and are used to take preventive measures to reduce future accidents.
Management Message on Safety and Health
MC recognizes that employee health is a key management issue, and therefore strives to foster dynamic, spirited and vibrant employees and workplaces.
Based on the belief that a healthy mind and body determine the success of the individual, we strive to enhance both the mental and physical health of our employees and the quality of their work environments.
We will continue to promote health and productivity management in order to improve the well-being of all MC employees, and allow our diverse and versatile talent pool to make the most of their skills and personalities.
Katsuya Nakanishi
President and CEO of Mitsubishi Corporation
At MC, we believe that the source of value creation is our human resources, and have established “Fostering Vibrant Workplaces That Maximize the Potential of a Diverse Workforce” as one of the eight societal issues of our materiality that must be pursued and realized throughout the Group. In order to continue creating sustainable corporate value, we must find ways to respond to the further diversification and globalization of our business activities, and enable our diverse human resources to make full use of their unique abilities regardless of attributes such as gender or nationality. MC therefore views the creation of safe working environments and the maintenance and promotion of employee health as key issues, with senior management issuing a message on safety and health in FY2022.
MC’s initiatives continue to be recognized under the 2020 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program’s "White 500".
MC strives to create work environments in which both employees and contract employees can work with peace of mind, including in terms of safety, health promotion, productivity management and crisis management. In addition to complying with the legal requirements of each country in which we operate, we are also working to create and manage comprehensive occupational health and safety management systems.
(1) Internal notifications by industrial physicians, etc.
Explanation and sharing of health data, issues, and approaches, etc. in the "Health Column" of the internal newsletter and at various level-specific training sessions.
(2) Health seminars and health check events
These events were held online for all employees, including those working overseas.
(3) Provision of health apps
We introduced a health app that helps all employees in Japan to visualize and improve their lifestyle habits by recording their diet, exercise, and sleep, and provides health advice based on those records.
Going forward, we plan to introduce the system to overseas employees as well.
(4) Provision of healthy meal opportunities
There was a reduction in the percentage of obesity within the company, especially among males, falling 1.7% from 30.6% in FY2020 to 28.9% in FY2022.
(1) Conducted stress checks for all employees including those on overseas assignments as a means of ensuring regular mental health evaluations.
(2) Individual consultations with a licensed psychologists are offered during the mental health support period (by request, in person or online).
There are approximately 1,100 MC head-office employees on overseas assignments at any given time, and some 1,350 family members accompanying them. Recognizing that working overseas for extended periods can have an impact on one’s health due to differences in language, culture, medical systems, and other environmental factors, MC has taken several steps to ensure that its employees and their family members remain in good health wherever they happen to be. In addition to facilitating annual local health examinations, the MC Head Office medical clinic is equipped to handle health-related inquiries from employees and their family members should they feel unwell while overseas. If there are no suitable medical facilities in the area, MC will provide for the employee and their family to either return to Japan or travel to another nearby developed country for the examination. Employees and their families also qualify for subsidized travel expenses when taking Health Maintenance Leave, which can be taken in addition to paid holidays when employees need time off to refresh themselves, both in mind and body. MC also provides a global, 24-hour Japanese language service for medical emergencies, emergency assistance in transporting employees to more medically advanced regions like Tokyo, Singapore, and Bangkok and other extensive health-related support for its employees on overseas assignments.
In order to drive continuous improvement, since 2013 the Global Human Resources Department has conducted a survey targeting employees on overseas assignments to assess the quality of healthcare they receive as well as their working conditions in general for the purpose of further enhancing health-related measures. Monitor working conditions and stress levels, and if needed, additional support is provided by the Global Human Resources Department or the Mental Health Support Desk.
MC has established medical clinics at its Head Office and Kansai and Chubu Branch Offices for MC employees and those on domestic and overseas assignments. The Head Office clinic employs approximately 50 full- and part-time medical professionals, including physicians specializing internal medicine, ophthalmology, dermatology, otolaryngology, orthopedics and neurology, as well as nurses, testing and radiology technicians, nutritionists and pharmacists. These professionals, together with examination systems using the latest testing equipment, help to run a clinic that manages the health of MC employees, with a cumulative total of approximately 15,500 users in FY2021, and approximately 17,745 employees in FY2022 despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
Within Japan, the attendance rate for regular checkups is 100%. Where necessary, employees are called in for follow-up examinations (3 to 6 months later), and are offered further tests.
The medical clinic also has an occupational health department, which provides medical support to employees with health concerns to enable them to work with peace of mind. This includes return-to-work assessments for those who go on leave due to medical treatment, and support to help them balance work with their treatment needs. We also aim to maintain a comfortable work environment through workplace assessments and discussions via the Health Committee. We interview employees who work overtime to inform them about long working hours and the associated health issues. In these ways, we are making ongoing efforts to improve health literacy and create a workplace where all employees can work in optimal physical and mental health.
MCʼs health clinics provide early checkups and treatment and offer medium- and long-term health management in conjunction with health examinations. Special examinations are offered to employees aged 40 and over and are utilized by 84% of employees in this age group. Preventing lifestyle-related diseases such as dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes and hyperuricemia is a pressing societal issue. MC is working to prevent lifestyle-related diseases and metabolic syndrome for employees by providing access to physicians and nutritionists via the clinics. Early action is essential to preventing lifestyle-related diseases. Going forward, in addition to providing health guidance to younger employees, MC will also work to raise the awareness of healthy employees with normal checkup results on how to structure their lifestyles for maintaining their health.
In collaboration with the Mitsubishi Corporation Health Insurance Association, we are providing employees with a self-medication service that allows them to consult with a specialist (pharmacist) and purchase medication online with the aim of encouraging them to take an interest in maintaining and improving their health. When developing health management-related programs such as this self-medication service, we provide services and conduct trials among our employees in order to make improvements to such programs.
Focusing on preventive measures and early treatment, MC provides extensive mental care support. MC has a simple, web-based system through which employees can assess their own stress levels and propensities to develop health problems. MC also conducts various types of training for employees, including managers, in an effort to prevent mental health issues. MC has made it a requirement for all employees, including secondees, to complete a stresscheck. After answering an online survey, employees immediately receive an on-screen evaluation of their stress levels, along with feedback. If their stress levels are particularly high, they are recommended to make an appointment with a neurologist at one of MC’s clinics. If necessary, working environment adjustments are also prescribed to help bring their stress levels down.
Meanwhile, MC’s internal Mental Health Support Desk and medical clinic neurology department are equipped to quickly accommodate employee (including employees on domestic and overseas assignments) health inquiries, with a system that supports employees together with their workplaces. MC has also set up an outside help desk that is linked to its specialized EAP*Employee Assistance Program* medical facilities. Through this comprehensive system, employees and their family members can consult with healthcare professionals or receive counseling at any hour of the day, whether in person or by telephone or email.
Moreover, a summary of the results are shared on an anonymous basis within MC and utilized to improve working styles and workplace conditions. Going forward, MC plans to make use of the survey findings to inform its mental health issue prevention measures for employees, as well as training and other measures to further raise awareness of mental health issues.
The Mental Health Support Desk has been established for MC employees (including those on domestic and overseas assignments). Staffed by licensed psychologists and clinical psychotherapists, the Mental Health Support Desk is available to employees for mental health consultations. It helps employees to check their stress levels and enables those feeling off form to have an initial consultation before seeing a neurologist. It also supports employees who have been on extended leave due to psychiatric issues to return to work by offering rehabilitation programs, recommendations on workplace re-integration and long-term follow-up.
Stress Check Results (Domestic)
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Implementation rate | 95% | 94% | 94% | 94% |
Multiphasic health screenings are offered to employees in line with the Japanese Industrial Safety and Health Act, the fees for which are partially subsidized*Subsidized by the MC Health Insurance Society*.
MC gathers and analyzes the latest information from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the World Health Organization, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), and other organizations on the outbreak and spread of infectious diseases. Based on this, the Emergency Crisis Management Office works together with occupational physicians and occupational health staff to implement in-house infection control measures.
With respect to COVID-19, MC is monitoring the situation in Japan and overseas, and has adopted the following three principles: prevention of infection; prevention of the spread of infection; and prevention of severe cases. With these principles in mind, we are taking the necessary measures to mitigate any adverse impacts on not only MC employees but all staff working within MC, all whilst striving to ensure business continuity.
We have strengthened our medical consultation system for employees assigned overseas and their families, and are providing medical advice on infection prevention and mental health care to help them work with peace of mind even in areas where infection is widespread.
MC takes an exhaustive approach toward preventing the spread of diseases in the workplace with initiatives such as providing anti-malaria vaccinations for employees taking business trips to regions where tropical malaria is prevalent, recommending antibody tests and vaccinations against measles and rubella (MR), and administering in-house vaccinations against seasonal influenza.
MC partnered with the Mongolian Anti-Tuberculosis Association to raise awareness of tuberculosis in Mongolia’s capital Ulaanbaatar. Targeting particularly high-risk groups such as college students, MC aimed to raise awareness of the disease through pamphlet distribution, videos and events. In addition, for secondary school students, MC organized a drawing contest and used the winning entries in advertising posters. These awareness-raising activities were conducted at five universities and 750 secondary schools.
As business becomes ever more complex and fast-paced, the pressure on employees to carry out more work at a higher quality inevitably increases. In addition, the nature of a sogo shosha means there are often busy and high-pressure periods, such as with large projects and overseas business. As such, in order to prevent health problems caused by overwork, MC places particular priority on: 1) the mental and physical health of employees; 2) compliance with laws, regulations and rules; and 3) appropriate management of extended overtime. Specifically, MC goes beyond legal requirements in terms of managing overtime hours for non-managers and managers. When employees exceed a certain level of overtime hours, they must submit a health questionnaire and receive health guidance from an occupational physician. As well as using computer logs and objective data to accurately report overtime hours and complying with the Japanese Article 36 Agreement as a matter of course, MC also conducts time management training and other initiatives for managers. While taking into account the differences between specific business environments and industries, MC aims to achieve an average annual paid leave utilization rate of 70% or more, and systematically encourages employees to utilize their annual paid leave. In addition, where certain departments demonstrate a tendency to work overtime frequently, MC will draw up and implement improvement measures on an individual basis and endeavor to prevent overwork, including by reducing excessive overtime. As a result, in FY2022, the annual paid leave utilization rate was 67% while average monthly overtime was 29.9 hours/month (As for FY2021, 55%, 30.4 hours/month). MC is promoting initiatives for each organization and individual to pursue autonomous and flexible work styles, and improve productivity and efficiency whilst also improving results and performance.
MC is creating a working environment that enables its diverse workforce to thrive professionally while fostering an organizational culture in which performance is evaluated fairly based on results.
MC Group companies conduct activities to prevent industrial accidents by formulating response policies, introducing occupational Safety and Health(OSH) management systems*Refers to all MC Group companies that have experienced one or more instances of lost time injuries and are working to reduce lost time injuries under their OSH policies. (Results of the FY2021 Sustainability Survey.)* for employees, and taking other appropriate measures based on the nature of the business and context. Out of the MC Group companies that have OSH risks, 99.6% have OSH management systems, and we will inquire about initiatives in our consolidated partner companies.
MC is one of the largest shareholders of the Donggi-Senoro LNG Project in Indonesia (DSLNG). DSLNG recognizes that occupational health and process safety is one of the most important issues in the production of liquefied natural gas(LNG), and we are working to ensure the safety of workers. DSLNG has implemented a range of measures, including formulating policies on integrated quality management, health, safety, environment, and security along with establishing a Process Safety Management Committee. In addition, DSLNG also provides employees with training on matters such as Permit to Work, process safety management, crisis management, and firefighting measures, and conducts Safety Leadership Workshops in collaboration with contracted companies to further raise safety awareness among staff. Moreover, MC maintains a robust safety framework by conducting regular reviews of and improvements to its safety measures.
(1) Implementation of Audits:
DSLNG conducts Permit to Work Audits and Safety Leadership Conversations (SLC) on a daily basis. Through these audits, checks are conducted on various aspects related to onsite safety, along with ensuring that Permit to Work entries are recorded accurately. In the event that any work safety concerns are identified, DSLNG ensures operations are immediately suspended pending a review.
(2) Examples of Risk Assessments:
A job hazard analysis (JHA) is conducted for the majority of jobs to scope out potential risks, assess their severity, identify possible measures to manage the risks, and determine the overall level of risk. Through this process, DSLNG ensures that jobs are performed in line with adequate safety standards.
As its core safety initiative, MC Ferticom Co., Ltd. implements S・I・GMA (sigma) activities with the aim of improving manufacturing operations.
S = Safety
I = Improvement
GMA= Good Manners
Through these activities, MC is making a concerted effort to raise awareness of safety and improve manufacturing operations. MC Ferticom Co., Ltd. has also acquired the ISO45001 occupational health and safety certification at all of its facilities. As a responsible fertilizer manufacturer, MC will continue to pursue further safety and reliability.
Please refer to the links below for data related to Main MC Group Companies with ISO 45001 Certification.
Since 2002, Nikken Corporation has a regularly-published newsletter called Safety News (in Japanese), which is shared with customers and other stakeholders. MC gathers a range of information including recommendations on how to reduce labor-related accidents as well as methods for how to avoid and prevent HSE incidents based on white papers published by related organizations
Please refer to the link below for data related to Health & Productivity Management, Occupational Safety and Health.